12 October 2008

Something Old, Something New

Frequently, we get very wrapped up in seeking out the next “new” and “cool” thing. Sometimes, it’s better to take a step back and check out some of the “old” things that we’ve forgotten, taken for granted or never even knew about.

Take lungwort for example. Not such a great name, eh? Lungwort is a flowering plant of the Pulmonaria genus and is native to Canada, Europe and Western Asia. There are a bunch of varieties and many of them do well in several different zones, including the multi-zoned Rogue Valley. Common names for Lungwort are Soldiers and Sailors, Spotted Dog, Jerusalem Cowslip or Bethlehem Sage.

This plant grows from a rhizome and has been used for centuries for it’s medicinal properties. Due to the shape of its leaves resembling a lung, the plant was used to treat a variety of lung ailments. Of course, the Center for Disease Control finds no scientific proof that lungwort is in any way beneficial to those with lung ailments.

Lungwort is a smaller plant that grows to approximately one foot in height. The growth is in close set bunches of speckled, deep green spear shaped leaves resembling the shape of a lung. The leave can be either slightly bristly or have soft hairs on them. It also has hairy stems without branches that are topped with blossoms. Some lungwort plants appear to have blossoms of both pink and blue at the same time, however it’s been found that the blooms start out pink and deepen into blue violet as they age. They’re quite a lovely perennial to have around the garden.

Lungwort likes partial shade and should be planted around 18 inches apart to give them enough space for sprawling. Lungwort also like a fairly rich soil, likes to be kept moist, doesn’t like wet feet – so good drainage is a must and blooms in the early spring. Bees and butterflies are attracted to the lovely blooms.

Most gardeners purchase their plants from the nursery to ensure they’re getting the colors they desire. Pruning is vital for lungwort. Trim off those old browning leaves to allow for fresh to emerge. Trim the stems after the flowers are done blooming, not just dead-heading. Cut them at the base of the stem but be aware to not cut into the main plant stalk. Lungwort needs lots of water, even in average garden conditions. I would grow it in containers on the patio, keep it watered regularly and enjoy the color. It’s a good idea to mulch lungwort in the fall and helpful to apply a thin layer of organic fertilizer in the spring. This plant is somewhat delicate, so be mindful to keep the fertilizer from being directly applied to the plant and only to the surrounding soil.

Lungwort is a lovely addition to the garden, especially if you’re planning on attracting butterflies, bees and hummers. With only a little effort, all can enjoy it. It is also a way to step back and embrace something old from another time.

Since we’re still looking back, let’s look at another old favorite – the snowdrop. While we don’t have snow on the ground yet, we have had our first spotty frosts, so we know it’s only a matter of time. For many gardeners, the first snowdrops herald the beginning of a new flowering season. If you don’t already grow these delightful bulbs, think about it. They are both whimsical and charming.

Snowdrops are one of the first bulbs to bloom in your garden, right alongside the crocus. They are small and not particularly glamorous, but they do make a nice foil for the more brilliantly hued crocus.

Snowdrops belong to the genus Galanthus that comes from the Greek gala (milk) and anthos (flower), so the literal translation is Milk Flower. Our name for them – Snowdrop – comes from the German “schneetropfen”.

There are a number of varieties of snowdrops. Relateivs of the daffodil, these small bulbs also closely resemble a daffodil bulb in appearance. Most winter/spring flowering bulbs actually like drying out over the summer. Not Snowdrop. They prefer relatively moist soil. This translates to a relatively short shelf life at the nursery center. If you’re buying your snowdrops at the garden center, bring them home and plant them immediately or your bulbs will shrivel. Once they get established in your garden, they maintain an active root system year around.

I think since snowdrops are so closely related to daffodils could be the reason that they are one of the best choices for naturalizing in lawns and among shrubs. Plant them in clusters in a sunny or partly shaded location, about 2” apart and about 2” deep. You can transplant them if you choose and are best moved while in leaf rather than waiting until the leaves fade. Like daffodils, they do not appear to be attractive to rabbits and deer.

The most frequently grown species is the common snowdrop (G. nivalis). Depending on where you are, they may bloom from January into April. You will often note the first appearance of snowdrops within days of the last snows of winter. Snowdrops are quite hardy and face late frosts and snow with valiance.

And now for something completely different….

Raspberry jam from green tomatoes. Really? I know what you’re thinking and, while I may be certifiable in just about every other area in life, this is not one of them. Jill Nicolaus from Dave’s Garden has provided the method and it’ll give you something entertaining to do with those last green tomatoes.

I’m sure that, with the recent threats of frost, you fled to the garden to save those last tomatoes. Maybe you’ve got some set aside to slowly ripen. Maybe you’ve been making fried green tomatoes, green tomato chutney and green tomato pickles. Run out of ideas? Round up your kids or grandkids – it’s time for something totally fun!

This jam is perfect to make with kids. Three ingredients, no canning – just some chopping and stovetop cooking. Be sure to gauge how much help your helpers are going to require. Move a chair or step stool to the stove so they can reach for stirring.

Admittedly, “red raspberry” jam from green tomatoes likely won’t bring home a blue ribbon from the county fair compared to Mrs. Nesbit’s very best quality raspberry preserves. However, the seeds give it an authentic look and the tang of the green tomatoes makes a nice counter to the sweetness. A recipe attributed to Southern Living magazine reduces the amount of sugar to 1-1/2 cups and increases the amount of tomato to 2-1/2 cups. I’ve heard that you can add a packet of unsweetened raspberry Kool Aid drink mix for extra zing. For us, that red dye could be an issue, but moderation in all things is the key!

There’s an entertainment factor of epic proportion by transforming green tomatoes into something that tastes and looks like red raspberries. Imagine the kick you and the kids will get out of revealing the “secret” of your homemade “raspberry” jam. Imagine the kids giggling themselves silly attempting to explain to their dad that he’s just eaten a peanut butter and tomato sandwich! Whether or not you have kids to help you, give this recipe a try. Faux food recipes are not only tasty, but they’re really amusing to serve to unsuspecting guests. You Red Hat Ladies – whip some of this “jam” up for one of your teas. After all, it’s the right color!

Green Tomato “Raspberry” Jam

2 cups minced green tomatoes
2 cups sugar
1 – 3 oz. Package red raspberry gelatin

Wash and stem or core the tomatoes and remove any bad spots. Then dice or shred the tomatoes. A food processor to roughly mince them also works well.

Put the tomatoes and sugar in a heavy saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar and reduce the heat. Simmer 20 minutes. If you diced the tomatoes, cook them long enough so that they don’t look chunky anymore.

Add the raspberry gelatin and bring to a boil. Now the jam is ready to be poured into clean jars. This is not a shelf-stable recipe and you have to store it in the refrigerator or freezer. This recipe makes about a pint and you can totally double it if you wish.

One last thing…

With the current financial situation that exists in this country, the prices of food are going to continue to rise. Hunger is going to be a problem that is very likely already touching every community. The national statistic is that one in four children goes to bed hungry EVERY NIGHT! I don’t know that there is a food pantry program in my town; I haven’t honestly researched it. I know I didn’t have any place to take my kid’s out-grown clothes that would directly and immediately benefit my own community. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was no food pantry program to benefit our community’s immediate needs.

I’ve heard from folks who participate in the Plant A Row campaign that pantry programs are grateful for everything they can get. Maybe we should consider some other kinds of fruits and vegetables other than the summer standards of tomatoes, cucumbers and summer squash. I imagine that salad greens, spinach, green beans, carrots and new potatoes would be particularly welcome.

This spring, why not plant an extra row in your garden to help produce some nutritious food for those in our community who cannot provide for themselves or their kids? I’m sure there are folks around my local community center who know people who are struggling. If you attend, ask at your church – or better yet – ask why your church doesn’t have a community outreach to feed and clothe those who are struggling with this economy and unemployment situation. Aren't churches supposed to be about doing unto others? If they can send bibles to Mexico and missionaries to Kyrgystan, surely they can help feed and clothe some struggling families right here at home!

We could wait for the government to straighten things out. Right. Sure. I’ll be waiting for that – holding my breath – cause I look so good in blue.

Many pantries and food programs work with the “Plant A Row for the Hungry” campaign of the Garden Writers Association. This helps raise awareness of the need for donations of fresh produce. The Plant A Row campaign was born from one member’s realization that if every gardener would plant just one extra row of vegetables, hunger could be greatly alleviated and those who are struggling would have access to fresh food that they might otherwise not be able to afford. The difficulties many are experiencing are not going to go away overnight. Consider planting a little more than you need; an extra row of bush beans or carrots. We don’t have an active Plant A Row campaign here, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help out. Or even start one. I challenge every gardener this spring to give something back in the form of garden surplus and I challenge every church to identify families and seniors who would benefit from that surplus. In times like these, we have to take care of each other in every way that we can. Isn’t it just the right thing to do?

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